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Cobot Safety Support (COB)

Cobots are helping us take a big step forward in the manufacturing industry through high flexibility and collaboration. However, safety is the invisible hand, guiding these applications where specific cobot related risks need to be eliminated or limited to make your application safe and compliant.

Cobots will interact with both humans and their surrounding environment, creating risks that need to be assessed from the very beginning of the application design phase. Making your application safe while optimising productivity may sound challenging, but with our Cobot Safety Support (COB) this is easier than ever before.

By combining our machine safety expertise (including ISO/TS 15066) and extensive knowledge on these systems as cobot manufacturers, our safety service consultants can support you during the whole process, starting from the very first layout drawing, all the way to validation at the end user site.

Contact us for machine safety consultancy

How it works

During the design phase, productivity is one of our main priorities. By teaming up with the end user, the process will start with our use case analysis. In co-operation, our Safety Service consultants will identify all possible human-cobot contact events.

This will bring us to one of the key aspects of the collaborative robot system and the associated cell layout. The elimination of hazards can influence the design of the working environment. For those hazards that cannot be eliminated, appropriate risk reductions measures will be designed. Always ensuring that we benefit from the cobot’s inherent functions and keep productivity as one of our top priorities.

When implementing Power and Force Limiting as a risk reduction strategy during the design phase, our safety service consultants will use OMRON bespoke tools to perform calculations according to ISO/TS 15066. Later in the process, iterative pressure and force verification tests will be carried out with our specialist calibrated equipment to ensure your application is optimized.

The Cobot Safety Support (COB) can provide:

  • Collaborative application design review as per ISO/TS 15066

  • Design calculations/estimations of collaborative parameters according to ISO/TS 15066

  • Machinery Risk Assessment (MRA) for your specific application, considering the cobot system and its interaction with the environment

  • Testing: Pressure and force measurement (PFM) according to ISO/TS 15066 and Stop time measurement (STM) according to EN ISO 13855

  • Validation

  • CE Health Check (CEHC)